Protecting Freedom by understanding climate, science and sovereignty
Report to The Hon Bob Baldwin MP
and Senator Simon Birmingham
Letter to Mrs. Jane Prentice MP Assistant Minister
and my representative in Federal Parliament
Climate Conscious - Summary
![]() Basic Climate Questions (one page) |
![]() UN's Climate Body, IPCC (one page) |
![]() Costs to people (two pages) |
Federal political and scientific corruption summarised on page 2 of letter dated March 19, 2014 to Greg Hunt, Environment Minister (click here)
Formal complaints on behaviour of staff |
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CSIROh!Climate of Deception? ... Or First Step to Freedom?I've written to many of the people whose behaviours, opinions and/or claims are discussed in this report and whose core claim is that human CO2 caused Earth's latest modest cyclic global atmospheric warming that ended in 1998. Most have responded. All have failed to provide empirical scientific evidence and logical scientific reasoning for the basis of their core claim. All seemed reluctant to address my questions adequately. They failed to meet my reasonable need for integrity, reassurance and understanding.
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Click to see how executives are hurting industry | |
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When issues are manipulated to being 'politically correct' or when technically competent people make false assumptions or business leaders are afraid to speak against a position they perceive has been made popular ... people can make technically stupid and false statements and do enormous damage.
When UN misrepresentations are falsely camouflaged in attractive words like "sustainable" or "biodiversity" and UN political campaigns are packaged as environmental programs they continue to mislead. Whether the words are spoken by an actor or sports celebrity or by a Prime Minister or by an American Vice-President pushing his financial stake in 'trading' carbon dioxide 'credits' or by an unwitting business leader, a UN lie remains a UN lie. Click to see how some leaders of one of Australia's most economically and environmentally valuable industries are perpetuating the UN lie and hurting our natural environment, hurting humanity and hurting our country - while destroying their industry and their people's livelihoods.
He said UN IPCC reports are based 100% on peer-reviewed science. Independent, international audit shows 2007 report relies on 5,587 articles not peer-reviewed - including hikers' anecdotes, newspaper stories and political activists' campaign material. Why?
You're here because you share our care for our planet's natural and human environments. At heart we're all green.
First world nations proudly show their care for the environment by fighting pollution.
Yet, hearing experts contradicting each other and politicians posturing to push taxes, people feel confused—some filled with fear, guilt, frustration, resentment, anger, apathy, doubt, ........
People don't know who to trust. Needing understanding, reassurance, confidence, truth, hope, clarity and security for our children's future I read thousands of pages of scientific books, journals, reports and articles. I listened to many of the world's climate experts. What I discovered is startling. It's condensed and shared here with the aim of fulfilling people's needs effectively and with ease.
Protecting our freedom and choices requires us to be conscious of freedom.
Contact federal MP's and demand they vote against any carbon tax or carbon 'trading' scheme that will raise prices and cost of living.
Physical science from the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change. Summary for Policymakers.
Eminent palaeoclimatologist Professor Bob Carter's books on climate science are here: |
Internationally respected Canadian Climatologist Tim Ball's new book detailing 'The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science' is available through his web site
Correspondence with University of Queensland Vice Chancellor on Prof. Ove Hoegh-Guldberg's false claims reportedly made in Queensland Land Court under oath or affirmation. Click for correspondence and click for 2010 transcript. Letter to Christopher Pyne Minister for Education 27th May 2015 Email to Christopher Pyne 27 May and courtesy email to UQ VC 29th May Reply from UQ Vice Chancellor of 1st July 2015 to Malcolm's letter of 21st May
Reply by Malcolm on 20th July 2015 to UQ Vice Chancellor. | |
Contact me and background documents
Aims, background and declaration of interests of Malcolm Roberts, Dr Vincent Gray and John McLean
Malcolm Roberts' CV • Linkedin: Malcolm Ieuan Roberts Contact us at Conscious:
Older Material
UN IPCC Expert Reviewer, Dr Vincent Gray (PhD chemistry, Cambridge) has reviewed every UN IPCC Assessment Report and Summary for Policy Makers: 1991, 1995, 2001, 2007. Below are his detailed review comments on the UN IPCC's 2007 Report by chapter. His review of chapter 9 is presented first because it is the UN IPCC's chapter purporting warming due to human production of CO2. Gray has advised there is no evidence that additional human production of CO2 is harming the climate.
Review of Chapter 9
Review of Chapter 1
Review of Chapter 2
Review of Chapter 3
Review of Chapter 4
Review of Chapter 5
Review of Chapter 6
Review of Chapter 7
Review of Chapter 8
Review of Chapter 10
Review of Chapter 11
Review of Summary for Policymakers
Review of Technical Summary
General Comments
General Comments 2
Timeline of shady UN IPCC practices
Analysis of tricks used in Al Gore's movie
Australian academic, UN IPCC Lead Author feeding off government grant has no evidence
Governments promoting coal exports want to tax Aussies using coal-fired electricity
Corruption of temperature data used by UN IPCCC
Factors driving climate
Summary of climate alarm's 12 points
Nature completely controls CO2 levels
Climategate ‘Inquiry’ References
John McLean presents statistics on UN IPCC reporting processes. As the figures were obtained from the UN IPCC they cannot be sensibly refuted. Check for yourself, it's clear:
Author and Reviewer Numbers are Wrong
Many breaches of science in UN IPCC reviews
Apparent prejudice in UN IPCC's work
Failures of UN IPCC scrutiny
Other McLean documents based on his detailed analysis of the UN IPCC's work:
Climate Science Corrupted
We Have Been Conned
Why the UN IPCC should be disbanded
Check the 2007 report and its chapters
Read chapter 9 and see that while the wording in places could easily imply real data, the UN IPCC's core claim has no specific scientifically measured real-world evidence that human production of CO2 caused warming on Earth.
Summary Findings - Notes on UN IPCC misrepresentations, the basis of government climate policy reveals how publicly prominent advocate-professors have repeatedly publicly claimed human production of carbon dioxide (CO2) caused global warming and endorsed UN IPCC midrepresentations. All have been asked to provide specific, scientifically measured real-world evidence of their claim. In their responses, all have failed to provide evidence.
All either receive government grants and/or are employed in senior positions within institutes receiving government climate grants.
Their public statements and documents (yellow links) have been challenged. Some examples follow:
E-mail to Professor Karoly promotes himself as an expert on climate yet contradicts real-world weather records.
E-mail reply to Professor England (mathematician) encapsulates global warming and UN IPCC fraud. He too contradicts real-world science yet promotes himself as a climate expert.
Professor Hoegh-Guldberg (transcript) is a marine biologist promoting himself as an expert on climate. He too contradicts real-world climate science and apparently science in his own field.
Professor Andy Pitman is a computer modeller promoting himself as an expert on climate. He hid from questions. During his retreat he made false accusations. Unsurprisingly, this is a common trick among advocates of global warming. He provides no evidence of his claims. Following are the email threads:
thread 1 | thread 2 | thread 3 | thread 4
(Note: Queensland summer time is one hour behind Pitman's state of NSW (daylight saving).
E-mail to Professor Will Steffen
Professor Flannery is reportedly an investor in an alternative energy company heavily subsidised by the government. He has been deeply involved in promoting government climate policy and on February 10, 2011 was appointed Chief Commissioner of the government's Climate Commission. His qualifications are a Bachelor of Arts (English) and a doctorate in palaeontology for his work on evolution of macropods.
On Tuesday, October 12, 2010, advocate-professor Flannery was publicly challenged to provide real-world evidence of human causation of warming. Flannery failed to produce any. In response, Flannery acknowledged temperatures had not risen for over a decade. Six days later Flannery reversed his position on TV when responding to biologist Jennifer Marohasy, saying that she was wrong to state "we've had no warming for ten years".
Such is the state of government's paid hands and ABC journalists' lack of scrutiny.
Letter to Professor Ross Garnaut
Questions and requests for discovering climate reality ourselves
Analysis of an article by Greg Combet, Minister for Climate Change published in The Weekend Australian, Sa.26.02.11.
Slides from Russian economic adviser Illarionov's presentation during his world tour ordered by President Vladimir Putin. (Slides provided by Canadian climatologist Tim Ball who had earlier worked with Russian climatologists and climate scientists.)
FREEDOM IS ESSENTIAL FOR RESPONSIBILITY | Dr Maria Montessori, arguably the greatest observer of human development based on a profound understanding of children's and adult's universal human needs: “Discipline and freedom are so co-related that, if there is some lack of discipline, the cause is to be found in some lack of freedom.”